Gene Wieneke

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Educating the City Council

How much lower can the Mayor and Council’s respect among the residents decline? How many more examples of citizen repudiation lie ahead? When are the Mayor and Council majority going to realize that they have been going down the wrong path and wasting money for over five years?
In January of 2005, the residents said no to the major expansion of the recreation center. This was quite the victory considering the Council used several articles in the Northglenn Connection, a prohibited “informational” flyer in the water bill and multiple articles in the Sentinel and metro dailies in an effort to sell the project.
The residents spoke again last November when they overwhelmingly approved a Charter amendment creating a Water and Sewer Utility Fund and restricting its use to water and sewer purposes over the objection to the Mayor and her Council majority. You may remember that I proposed the Charter amendment because the Council purchased land for a proposed retail center using the water monies.
At the same election the residents of Ward III defeated an incumbent seeking re-election who had been a major supporter of the recreation center project, the misuse of the water and sewer monies and the status quo. The incumbents up for re-election in the fall of 2007 should take heed of the message. So far, some have not, but they have time?
Just last week, on the 23rd, another message was delivered to the Mayor and Council by the residents and business located in Ward I. A few members of the business community advised the residents in the area near 112th Ave and Irma Street that the City was going to adopt a resolution placing the non-residential area in an Urban Renewal Project Area. The community responded in force, packed the Council Chamber to overflowing and backed the Mayor and Council majority down.
What do we have to look forward to today? There is one major conflict already in the works. You certainly haven’t forgotten the groundbreaking for the Century Theater in the proposed retail area between the recreation center and the North Metro Office building. They had to schedule it twice due to weather during last fall’s election campaign. The Mayor and her city funded PR firm wrote major articles for the Sentinel, the Denver Post and the Connection repeatedly.
Last fall I posted several articles on this site and in the Sentinel revealing that the groundbreaking was an outright campaign lie because I knew that the construction plans had not even been submitted for review, let alone permits issued. As a member of the Board of Adjustment I also knew that the theater would be short hundreds of parking spaces. Add that to the parking requirements for the proposed adjacent retail and you are spelling PARKING RAMP and millions of dollars. The Mayor and her Council majority are going to try and sell you on the same fiscally irresponsible project they tried previously. The main difference will be the substitution of a new theater for the recreation center expansion project. You will hear a lot more about this in the near future.
When will they start putting common sense and the residents first?

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Layoffs Revisted


Last December, I posted several articles concerning the 2004 layoffs by the City Manager. If you would check the December Archives and the last one dated 12/26/05 in particular, it will put this one in perspective.
Recently one of the employees laid off contacted us because she was attempting to secure a part-time position with the City. Prior to the lay off she had served in the identical full-time position for over 15 years. When the Interim City Manager was asked about the City’s rehiring policy, she replied as follows:
“We do not have any current policy regarding re-hiring. We currently hire the best candidate for the position. Experience in the city would be a factor in looking at the best person for the position. I know we have re-hired people in the past but we have no requirement to do so. It is based on what is best for the city and the best person available to fill the position.
With this type of disregard for those laid off, three members of the Council have sponsored a resolution establishing a procedure addressing their plight. They are Susan Clyne, Sheri Paiz and Jim Miller. The resolution requires that such former employees be given a preference in seeking reemployment with the City. As a safeguard there are reasonable restrictions. The resolution will be considered at the Council meeting scheduled for Thursday March 23rd.


The reason for the 2004 layoffs has recently been in the news because they were mainly unjustified due to an accounting error that was just revealed to the public. I say recently because the staff, with the knowledge of a select few on the Council, withheld the information from the public until after the last Mayoral and Council election. I recently received an email that addresses this and other problems with the layoffs; including their true motivation. The following is hard hitting but valuable in that it is the truth and it helps to put the Interim Manager’s statement into perspective. I offer it with minor editing and some redactions.
“The truth is that City Manager Phil Nelson saw the fund balance that had been developed over the years for the next rainy day( in retail sales) and went nuts over hiring staff until the finance forecast came back from Bob Eichem that the City could not afford the extra bodies. Yes, some of the forecast included the lost sales tax deposited in the utility fund but that in itself was not the cause of the massive layoff. It was Phil Nelson’s over hiring.
Then came the choice of who had to go. Would it be the seasoned, loyal and experienced employees who didn't embrace the new philosophy or the new hires that were eager to be paid high salaries and follow the Nutcase to the Promised Land? The decision was easy and the old crew had to go. The "retirees" were given a simple choice, leave with a severance package or wait for layoffs and maybe get nothing. So seventeen good souls bailed because they wanted something for all their hard work and dedication plus they needed a financial assist to make it to the replacement job.
Then, when the number of takers were not enough, next comes the orchestrated layoff of another selected group of seasoned and experienced employees so Phil Nelson could keep his over hires to kiss his feet. The Council, not aware of any of this, let Phil destroy decades of dedicated, hardworking, and experienced staff so as to have the new-hires follow him to the Promised Land.
Now that the City has little depth of staff, no experience and has ignored the service needs of the community for several years, the Finance Director comes out to straighten the record on the layoffs. It's a bunch of xxxxxxxx! Good people have been screwed over by this and somebody needs to skewer the xxxxxxxx who did it, continue to hide it, and propagate the xxxxxxxx for daily consumption by misguided Kathie and her moronic followers.”
I have been hitting hard on the senior staff at City Hall for two reasons: 1) Their direction and lack of knowledge and experience is adversely affecting the services we are receiving, and 2) The Mayor and her devotees on the Council have thus far refused to accept the truth or even look into the information I have presented. I personally know that they are absolutely convinced that all is well. Until present and former employees or you come forward anonymously or else wise, nothing is going to change until the election in November 2007 when hopefully Mayor Novak looses her devotees on the Council.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Community Vitality Center-#2

The other very important area Curt Childress directs is the master planning, subdivision regulations, physical planning and zoning. There is a part-time employee on the staff currently that was laid off in 2004 despite 25 years of service to the City. Pat Breitenstein was forced out by the previous manager along with the other senior members of the staff. He served as the Planning Director, Planner and for a time Executive Director of NURA. Because of his practical experience he was brought back to write a difficult ordinance and has remained to conduct other activities; excepting planning and development. You will see why it doesn’t make much sense shortly.
In 2005 they hired another planner who didn’t have all the skills and temperament they expected. He was cautious in the field and not flashy. He didn’t last long; unfortunately. Last November the Manager brought in Terence Quinn as the City Planner at the salary of $70,096. Mr. Quinn previously worked for the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG). He looked at and worked from a regional perspective. He does have a Master’s in Planning but local government detail is not his specialty. He did have one additional qualification. Our Mayor serves on the DRCOG Board and she was an informal reference.
Mr. Quinn ran straight into the rigors of local government which includes a zoning ordinance, master planning, design review, permit applications, signs and subdivision regulations. Since he is either not qualified or experienced in these areas or too distracted, he immediately found that he needed help. Of course, he couldn’t utilize the knowledge of Pat Breitenstein, I guess, so he, Mr. Childress and our new Interim Manager, Leslie Cullen, entered into a consulting contract 12 days after Nelson resigned.
For the tidy sum of $45,000 payable for services through mid-December, we now have a “practical” planner named Travis Reynolds. Guess where he used to work. Guess what his duties are? Did you say DRCOG and look at Mr. Quinn’s duties as listed in the previous paragraph. If you did, you are starting to understand how the present City leadership thinks; and pays.
With a salary of over seventy thousand and a contract for a ten month period of forty-five thousand, we might start to get some services in the planning and zoning section of the Community Vitality Center for $115,000.
Now we know Leslie Cullen is relying on Curt Childress who is relying on Terence Quinn who is relying on the ability of Travis Reynolds. (Sounds like the last posting; doesn’t it.) In the previous posting I pointed out that a contract employee, Becky Hogan is carrying the ball in economic development. Here we see that a contract employee, Travis, is carrying the ball in planning and zoning. It appears to me that we could do without Curt Childress ($76,662), Kay Press ($89,892) and Terence Quinn ($70,096); and contract all the work out. (-$236,650 plus benefits)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Community Vitality Center-#One

In the previous postings I discussed the Community Vitality Center’s Director, Curt Childress. Economic Development is one of the primary functions of the Center. Its Director is Katy Press. Katy’s present salary is $89,892. When she was hired last year I reported on her abilities and experience as stated on her resume and application.
If you ask any member of the Council they are likely to refer to her time with Safeway as a reference for her expertise. She was with Safeway from 1990 to June of 2000 as Real Estate Manager for the Denver Division. She does not state if she was “a” or “the” Real Estate Manager. After ten years with Safeway she left to work for the Catellus Commercial Group in Fort Collins and later Lakewood until November 2001. She did not state the reason for separating from Safeway but does report that she left Catellus because the “Development program” was eliminated.
She formed a consulting company doing business in the retail development area in October 2001, and remained there until coming to the City last fall. I do not believe the Council has inquired as to why she left Safeway for a lesser position in Fort Collins and then into the traditional “consulting business”. Evidentially she doesn’t have something to carry out the duties of her position with the City. The City just entered into a contract with another individual to do the actual work. I do not have the details of the contract yet but I understand from a close professional friend not connected to the City that the person is very qualified.
We are now spending over $138,000 a year for economic development personnel. Unfortunately the emphasis is on the Mayor’s retail area near the Recreation center and the proposed theater and not the preservation of our existing retail. That leads me to the past. I have not talked with the following individual concerning this or any other posting and he does not know it is being written.
For many years our economic development was the responsibility of Jerry Starling. Since he is still on the payroll but anticipating retirement currently, I would like to remind all of his accomplishments. He played an instrumental role in a few developments: The Marketplace, Washington Point (Albertson’s), Fox Run subdivision, Applebees, Red Lobster, Boondocks, Registry Apartments, Karls Farm Store, PrideMark Homes, Centex Homes, Townhomes at 112th/Huron and the Irma Business Park Development. I do not think retirement was in his plans until Phil Nelson and his people arrived; at least, as of 2000. I personally do not believe that Katy Press and her new contract employee, Becky Hogan, are the answer we need now. Buy two for one?
Now we know that Leslie Cullen is relying on Curt Childress who is relying on Katy Press who is relying on the ability of Becky Hogan. Why? Since the City is also spending $5,000 a month for the PR firm that is handling the Mayor’s and Leslie’s problems, I’m sure we will find out why.
The next positing will discuss the Planning, Zoning and Community Development portion of Childress’s Community Vitality Center and who is really doing the job.

Curt Childress-Part Two

Let’s discuss Curt Childress’s good points before going on. He was born and raised in Iowa; as was I. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree at an Iowa university. I obtained both of my degrees at a different Iowa university.
Mr. Childress has a very professional presentation of self. He can and does hand out a line that is amazingly convincing. One would never guess that it is sound and fury hiding a lack of knowledge while pontificating. He is however not unique. The former Manager also surrounded himself with individuals possessing the same knowledge and verbal skills.
The thing that is really worrisome is the fact that our elected members of the Council are not aware of the information I am presenting and the majority of them have not demonstrated any desire to critique or seriously question the staff about their recommendations. I know that part of their apprehension comes from frequently tongue lashings by the Mayor; about not showing the staff the loyalty it is due.
During a further review of Mr Childress’s resume I found where he listed a civic position: President/CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Allentown Road Volunteer Fire Department. The period was from 1999 until he came to the City. I located their web site and reviewed the Department’s section on its history. It lists all former Chiefs and Presidents. Mr. Childress is not on the list. Enough said. Go to and click on the History link. Just before the pictures at the bottom you can check for yourself.
Enough with the diversion. In reviewing Mr. Childress’s resume and application he does not claim any experience in supervising or managing employees or any knowledge in the disciplines that he is currently directing. One would think that would be a prerequisite. It wasn’t a consideration because the former Manager needed someone to be in charge of the new Centers that Leslie Cullen created while a consultant. Mr. Childress, giving him credit, has excellent skills as a salesman.
As I pointed out in the start of the last posting, Mr. Childress is primarily in charge of Economic Development, Planning and Zoning and Community Development. All of this is expected from a landscape architect with no management skills or knowledge in any of the disciplines. It goes to demonstrate the foolishness of the current City organizational structure created by the Interim City Manager.
If Ms. Cullen is relying on Mr. Childress to have the expertise, and we know he doesn’t, the question is, where we will find the employees that know what they are doing. I will shed some light on that in the next posting.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Curt Childress-Part One

Mr. Childress is the Director of the Community Vitality Center for the City. In the organizational scheme developed by the former consultant and current Interim City Manager, Leslie Cullen, this Center replaced some of the departments you might have been familiar with in the past: Economic Development, Community Development, Special Projects, Community Planning and planning for the physical development of the City.
Ms. Cullen informed us in the last issue of the Sentinel admitted that she does not have a lot of experience in the field of city management but that she will rely on the staff. In her statement to the Sentinel she said, “You need to have people who you trust and who are experts in their fields give you the technical information you need to make informed decisions.” Let’s just examine the “expertise” of Mr. Childress in his area of responsibility as taken from his application and resume.
In 1994, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture from Iowa State University. His career began in the State of Virginia as a Landscape Designer/Estimator for a private firm. Upon leaving them, his next position in Virginia was as a Cashier in a Gourmet store which was in addition to his four month position with another firm as a Landscape Designer. That covers his first two years.
In March 1996, he took a position as a Landscape Specialist with a firm in the State of Maryland. A year after taking this position he became a Landscape Specialist for the Maryland Highway Administration. Two years later he went back to the private firm he had previously left as an Environmental Analyst. Eight months later he went back to the Maryland Highway Administration as an Environmental Analyst III in October of 1999. He worked for them until coming to Northglenn in October 2001 as a Landscape Architect. He served in that position until late in 2005, when he became our Community Vitality Center Director.
I’m going to finish this phase of the report with one additional item from his resume and application. He has been the owner of Metropolitan Landscape Design Inc./ Gro Team since 1992. Yes, two years before he obtained his Bachelor’s degree. His Maryland company existed during the time he was in Iowa and Virginia as well as Maryland. While I can admire his spirit, it does not belong as an entry in his Employment History.
I will be commenting on his lack of expertise in the area that he directs more this weekend. Since he does not have the expertise Ms. Cullen is counting on, I will be reporting on the expertise of the individuals that Mr. Childress is relying on. We will then come to the sad end. For now, please refer to the first paragraph.