City to Change Refuse Collection Rules
The Northglenn Council is looking to get in your pocketbook within ninety days and again in November. In the near future I will have some information on the $25-28 million dollar recreation center project being developed based on biased information, but first, we need to talk trash.
Council Member Martin sponsored a proposed staff ordinance making radical changes to your trash collection service. Key elements are: There will be no more annual city wide clean-ups. The City’s approved refuse polycarts, or equivalent, are mandatory. Tree and shrub branches can no longer be bundled and placed on the ground for pick-up. Existing plastic and metal garbage cans are outlawed. The bagging of leaves and grass clippings for pick-up will be allowed again on a temporary basis.
I objected to the ordinance as written in an email to the Council because it did not contain a waiver provision for special circumstances. Operation Clean Sweep may warrant a city wide clean up in the future and the Council should retain the right to authorize one rather than ignore its own law. I also think the Council should have the power to authorize a waiver when the next storm hits the City of Trees.
The good news is that following a little discussion the Council tabled the ordinance on the 21st until it could discuss it in a study session. If you have any feelings about the proposed ordinance, you might wish to contact a council member. You will not be allowed to speak at the future study session.
The justification for formally considering an ordinance with such major changes without prior discussion was, to “Give the public notice.” This does not sound to me like an honest answer. With the monthly Connection newsletter, web site, Sentinel and Channel 8, there are proper avenues to communicate with the residents. Another reason given was, to “correct” the ordinance adopted last month banning all types of bags. I am pleased some of you read my last piece on the subject and took the time to contact the Council. Time for another contact.