Gene Wieneke

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Council Agrees on Issue Priorities

The Council Members spent two days together in early April for the purpose of discussing their working relationship and a joint approach addressing various municipal issues. For the last two months you have seen one result; meeting decorum. This last Saturday we met with staff and shared our priorities from the April retreat.

120th Development—Recreation Center—Street Funding—Water Rights and Services—Empty Grocery Stores

Comprehensive Master Plan—Solid Waste Collection and Recycling—Prioritization of City Services—Code Enforcement—Water and Sewer Infrastructure—Financial Software

Northglenn Neighborhood Development Corp—Foreclosures—Marketplace Long-Term Strategy—City Cost Reduction Plan

For the Top and High Priorities the Council has already identified Key Issues and Work elements to be pursued. It should be kept in mind that the prioritization was based on current circumstances and thought at the time.

While members of the Council will differ on the ways and means of accomplishing the desired outcomes, I believe we will do so in a collaborative manner. You will see the above information, with more detail, on the City web page in the very near future.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Manager's Departure Draws Mud

On the evening of May 22nd the Council met in two executive sessions for the purpose of discussing two unrelated subjects. The following morning AJ Krieger agreed to submit his resignation effective that day after a settlement agreement was negotiated. The two previous managers resigned in early 2001 and February 2006.

Former Council member, Rosie Garner, was a participant in the 2006 resignation and directly involved in issues surrounding Mr. Krieger last fall. In a letter to the Northglenn-Thornton Sentinel and in a mass email, she is back on the campaign trail again. This time she is evidently claiming a bad memory. Let me help.

Come on, Rosie, you are summoning residents to the June 12th Council meeting to object to an action that you, yourself, took in February 2006. Then as it is now, the Council united in a super majority for the purpose of requesting a resignation from a sitting manager.

On the 12th the Council will listen to residents; some of which you have incited to heap accolades on Mr. Krieger while condemning us. Questions: Would you have formed an opinion after discussing all the details in private and then break faith with the other eight because of an orchestrated public protest?

Would you have taken the confidential information at your disposal and made it public? You didn’t and We will not either. Your current mudslinging is no different or anymore accurate than it was last fall so keep pitching into the wind. The members of this Council want to move forward together. Try helping instead of campaigning.

From what I’ve read, Rosie has a good idea of why Mr. Krieger is resigning. Since she personally fought to increase the amount of severance pay that can not be the reason she is rallying people to attend the meeting.

Due to her admiration for certain members of the staff, including Mr. Krieger, she cannot be encouraging him to withdraw the resignation. It makes no sense for him to take a termination without health insurance. Since she voted for Nelson’s resignation package in 2006, it can’t be that she doesn’t understand the process.

Less than a month after the residents turned her out of office, and a month before I took office, she started her public campaign to regain it through a recall election. She needs to distort the record and create justifications for the petition. She also needs to demonstrate her power to motive residents while testing the waters. The shoe does fit.

Questions on any subject? or (303) 457-0858