A Code Enforcement Solution?
Council member Robin Tichy stated that four years ago Code Enforcement in the City wasn’t the best it could be. How about still, and why hasn’t the problem been previously corrected? Do we need a Council election to instill a new commitment? The City has budgeted seven code enforcement officers. That’s 280 hours a week. Let’s hope the new packaging doesn’t result in the same result.
She is also very proud of our City Hall and other employees who are leaving their desks on Fridays to help clean up some sore spots in our parks and open space areas. She did not mention that the Friday event is utilizing some very highly paid members of the staff. Is there a shortage of work for them to do in their primary jobs? Are the employees hired to maintain our parks so over worked that assistance is needed from other employees? It sounds like there needs to be some adjustments in their budgeting process and priorities.