Gene Wieneke

Monday, December 05, 2005

NG Neighborhood Development Corp.

I would like to address some concerns I have about the City created non-profit Northglenn Neighborhood Development Corporation. You can go directly to its web site by clicking on the title of this posting. There you will be able to see the very positive spin on most of its activities.
NNDC is a hybrid organization linked to the City staff but outside of the control of our elected officials. Thus far the Council’s only involvement has been as a check writer for the group’s promised achievements. The amount that NNDC has received already exceeds a quarter of a million of your tax dollars plus a free house for rehabilitation and the use of the old IBEW building on Washington St. Thus far there has not been a request for accountability from the Council. I urge the Council to rectify that situation quickly.
Here is one small example of the slipshod operation of NNDC. The first Executive Director, Debra Bustos left many months ago but she was still the Registered Agent per the Secretary of State until I did some homework and advised the City Clerk of the situation. As of the 10th of this month William Sullivan became the Agent. Mr. Sullivan is on their Board and is now drawing a salary as Executive Director.
You may remember him as the consultant who was hired by the City to conduct a Housing Inventory for $15,000. He prepared a narrative using several sources including and took a picture of your house. Well, you and every other house in the City.
Back to the business at hand. NNDC has made a lot of promises to residents and has been given the responsibility and authority to use the Airport Mitigation money received from Denver as a settlement for excessive noise to fulfill those promises. It is time for some accountability. I would suggest first off that the Council, not staff, request an accounting for every penny received and spent through November 30th including salaries. This should not be hard since the City staff is the bookkeeper for them.
Secondly, a committee of the Council should review every publication put out by the group and every contract or agreement that has been signed by them. See if the promises have resulted in tangible results demonstrating that promises have been kept. Another important part of the review should be personal, random contacts with residents who have paid their $50 fee to join in some of the programs.
NNDC and the City Manager have plans to transfer another $150,000 to the program next year. Let’s see whether or not it would be more efficient for the staff to assume the program before another penny is spent. Remember, the Mayor and Council has no control over the corporation except for the purse strings.


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