City violates State law and gets caught.
The City was served with a Cease and Desist Order on April 26th by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Water Quality Control Division. The Division is empowered to levy a fine of $10,000 per day. This information was known by Mayor Novak two days before the last regular meeting of the City Council but did not share the information with her fellow elected officials.
In August 25, 2005, the State issued approval for the expansion of the treatment aspects of the wastewater treatment plant beyond the original plant approval and stated that the Big Dry Creek Pipeline was not part of this approval. The City authorized the contractor to proceed in March. On April 13th a State representative observed the ongoing work in violation of the prior Approval.
The staff, headed Leslie Cullen, contends that there was implicit knowledge of the effluent line by an employee of the State’s Water Quality Control Division. The employee no longer works for the State. The State met with the City staff and attorney on this issue last week and this past Monday. The Council has not yet been updated on the discussions as of this posting for a reason. The Mayor is out of town. Surprised?
We already know that some on staff thought that some informal chats would take the place of a timely written application and the need for formal approval of the effluent line.
The Interim City Manager, Leslie Cullen, has already admitted that due to a lack of experience she would have to rely on her “expert” staff. The Mayor was and is still wrong to have insisted that she be promoted to Interim Manager. A knowledgeable and experienced Interim City Manager would not have let this situation occur.
In addition to possible major fines by the State, the City also has to contend with the contractor who was forced to stop construction activities. I guarantee you that he will be entitled to penalties, moving and setting up fees from the City. He could also successfully demand additional compensation for loss of work due to his inability to secure other work in the interim.
I wonder what the true definition of a klutz, dolt, dullen, or pudden-head really is? Whatever; the City is top heavy with them and that includes the TOP.
In August 25, 2005, the State issued approval for the expansion of the treatment aspects of the wastewater treatment plant beyond the original plant approval and stated that the Big Dry Creek Pipeline was not part of this approval. The City authorized the contractor to proceed in March. On April 13th a State representative observed the ongoing work in violation of the prior Approval.
The staff, headed Leslie Cullen, contends that there was implicit knowledge of the effluent line by an employee of the State’s Water Quality Control Division. The employee no longer works for the State. The State met with the City staff and attorney on this issue last week and this past Monday. The Council has not yet been updated on the discussions as of this posting for a reason. The Mayor is out of town. Surprised?
We already know that some on staff thought that some informal chats would take the place of a timely written application and the need for formal approval of the effluent line.
The Interim City Manager, Leslie Cullen, has already admitted that due to a lack of experience she would have to rely on her “expert” staff. The Mayor was and is still wrong to have insisted that she be promoted to Interim Manager. A knowledgeable and experienced Interim City Manager would not have let this situation occur.
In addition to possible major fines by the State, the City also has to contend with the contractor who was forced to stop construction activities. I guarantee you that he will be entitled to penalties, moving and setting up fees from the City. He could also successfully demand additional compensation for loss of work due to his inability to secure other work in the interim.
I wonder what the true definition of a klutz, dolt, dullen, or pudden-head really is? Whatever; the City is top heavy with them and that includes the TOP.
What do we have a bunch of teenie boppers running our city or what? How much is this really going to cost us? Why is it taking so long to get the information? Whatever happened to responsible government?
Anonymous, at 11:25 AM
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