Budget Process and Defects
Each year the City Council adopts a budget and then sits back while the Staff ignores the priorities, allocations and restrictions. This has been the past practice for the last four years. The Council and Staff have been reviewing departmental requests in a string of Power Point presentations for the last few months. I am hoping that the Council will do an about face and establish some budgetary and oversight controls this year.
For example, the Council approved in theory the number of employees authorized for 2006. Earlier this year the Manager created and staffed 14 additional full-time positions without Council approval. The Manager was able to hire the additional people because the Council approved the various levels of staffing in informal Study Sessions but did not tie them to their budgetary approval.
Another example is the failure of staff to carry through with the capital improvements prioritized and formally approved in the budget. The Council approved almost five million dollars in CIP projects for 2006. Since then the Council has added another $2.5 million in projects to the capital improvement list for a current total of $7.3 million. One of the problems is that the priority projects in the CIP and other Funds have and been trimmed back or eliminated to make room for the supplemental additions. Meanwhile, the original list in the CIP has been left on the shelf. Below are the original CIP projects from the General Fund only as approved in the 2006 budget:
Street Overlay $400,000, Huron-104th-112th $450,000, 112th Widening $600,000, 104th/Huron Intersection $300,000, C. Center Dr. Improvements $400,000, School Flashers/Seed Radar $20,000, Jacobucci Land Purchase $186,700, FISS System $164,000 TOTAL $2,520,700
The street seals, not overlays, are now under contract. The Jacobucci land purchase at 112th and the railroad tracks has just been cancelled; fortunately. What else has been done as budgeted? Broken promises. You can check all the Council minutes and you will only find formal supplemental small projects that are funded from the operation budgets and the use of the Cash Reserve. The staff decided to not follow through on most of the CIP projects. They have passed along their reasons on some of them to the Council but only informally. Our Council has not taken the required formal action and has no intention of doing so; as normal. The approved 2006 budget is a sham.
I will be discussing the budget process and results in greater detail very soon. I will include some specific suggestions that will help the Council to reassume its long ignored duties in fiscal management. Hopefully, some of you will also provide the current majority of the Council with some backbone. We elected and expect the Council to be in charge and not the Staff’s puppet.
For example, the Council approved in theory the number of employees authorized for 2006. Earlier this year the Manager created and staffed 14 additional full-time positions without Council approval. The Manager was able to hire the additional people because the Council approved the various levels of staffing in informal Study Sessions but did not tie them to their budgetary approval.
Another example is the failure of staff to carry through with the capital improvements prioritized and formally approved in the budget. The Council approved almost five million dollars in CIP projects for 2006. Since then the Council has added another $2.5 million in projects to the capital improvement list for a current total of $7.3 million. One of the problems is that the priority projects in the CIP and other Funds have and been trimmed back or eliminated to make room for the supplemental additions. Meanwhile, the original list in the CIP has been left on the shelf. Below are the original CIP projects from the General Fund only as approved in the 2006 budget:
Street Overlay $400,000, Huron-104th-112th $450,000, 112th Widening $600,000, 104th/Huron Intersection $300,000, C. Center Dr. Improvements $400,000, School Flashers/Seed Radar $20,000, Jacobucci Land Purchase $186,700, FISS System $164,000 TOTAL $2,520,700
The street seals, not overlays, are now under contract. The Jacobucci land purchase at 112th and the railroad tracks has just been cancelled; fortunately. What else has been done as budgeted? Broken promises. You can check all the Council minutes and you will only find formal supplemental small projects that are funded from the operation budgets and the use of the Cash Reserve. The staff decided to not follow through on most of the CIP projects. They have passed along their reasons on some of them to the Council but only informally. Our Council has not taken the required formal action and has no intention of doing so; as normal. The approved 2006 budget is a sham.
I will be discussing the budget process and results in greater detail very soon. I will include some specific suggestions that will help the Council to reassume its long ignored duties in fiscal management. Hopefully, some of you will also provide the current majority of the Council with some backbone. We elected and expect the Council to be in charge and not the Staff’s puppet.