Interim Manager Resigns
Interim City Manager Leslie Cullen has submitted a resignation effective immediately citing ongoing conflicts with some members of the City Council. Surprised? Leslie campaigned for the position privately and in a letter to the Council immediately upon Phil Nelson’s termination. Now that she has had a taste of what a manager goes through, she runs and blames others.
Check out my posting for February 24th for some background on Leslie’s abilities in the link to the Archives. The truth for her resignation lies in her inability to handle the position and her own ego. Some of our Council members simply didn’t genuflect sufficiently. There is an alternative reason for the resignation: Power Play. It will be interesting to see what is going on behind the scenes today and what comes out at the next meeting of the City Council.
A close side issue is the fact that she, along with the former manager, has ignored the Charter with regards to the relationship between the Council and members of the staff. Both of them dodged their responsibilities when it came to presenting information to the Council. They instructed the various department heads to take the point on staff recommendations at meetings and between them rather then represent the staff. This in itself has generated a lot of conflicts with many members of the Council and the staff. As expected, Leslie created an organization in chaos and lost the respect of her own personnel.
Fortunately Steve Zoet, will be taking the helm while the Mayor and Council continue to drag out the selection of a new City Manager. Steve has served the City long and well and will be a fitting Caretaker for the time being.
Check out my posting for February 24th for some background on Leslie’s abilities in the link to the Archives. The truth for her resignation lies in her inability to handle the position and her own ego. Some of our Council members simply didn’t genuflect sufficiently. There is an alternative reason for the resignation: Power Play. It will be interesting to see what is going on behind the scenes today and what comes out at the next meeting of the City Council.
A close side issue is the fact that she, along with the former manager, has ignored the Charter with regards to the relationship between the Council and members of the staff. Both of them dodged their responsibilities when it came to presenting information to the Council. They instructed the various department heads to take the point on staff recommendations at meetings and between them rather then represent the staff. This in itself has generated a lot of conflicts with many members of the Council and the staff. As expected, Leslie created an organization in chaos and lost the respect of her own personnel.
Fortunately Steve Zoet, will be taking the helm while the Mayor and Council continue to drag out the selection of a new City Manager. Steve has served the City long and well and will be a fitting Caretaker for the time being.
I have always agreed with the fact that Ms. Cullen didn't have the credentials, specifically experience, to hold the position she had. What bothered me more than that however was in fact the existing council asked her to step in, instead of releaving her of her temporary (which it has always been) role to find someone more qualified.
Let's be frank, she's had to take the heat for all of the messes created even before she got here. No one else remained for council to chastise, point the finger at, and down right blame for so many existing situations. Remember, it was Phil's master plan, restructuring and forging ahead mentality that created all these waves.
The councilmembers whom you praise repeatedly conduct themselves with less then admirable behavior in any of the meetings. I too value the online availability to listen to these council meetings -- but the way certain councilmembers speak and act is in no way respectful, honorable or even eloquent. What validity they may have in their opinions, thoughts and arguments only comes out as combativeness and condesention. You've coined Ms. Cullen as having an ego... may I submit rather, she's got a spine? I would also submit that there's a few egos, even larger, in that room as well. There's only so much abuse and battle a person can take.
It's refreshing to see that you've shown confidence in Mr. Zoet. I share your optimism in his ability. Hopefully he won't have to endure the level of disrespect and attack - from all angles.
Anonymous, at 7:48 AM
Kudos to the previous poster who opined that it's Ms Cullen's spine that people like you and your minority allies on council didn't like - rather than her "ego." What you don't like is that Ms Cullen didn't kowtow to your faction's every whim.
What people like you and your ilk hate is the fact that Ms Cullen - a highly accomplished corporate innovator from the private sector- actually tried to bring a sense of accountability to this city - and tried her best to drag this community into the 21st century economically.
You and your churlish, vocal minority may think you have "won" this battle - since your aim has always been to drive out progressive thinkers and bring back the back-slapping good ol' boy network. But Ms Cullen certainly hasn't "lost" here - she'll go back to a corporate job where she'll probably earn 3 or 4 times as much - and she won't have to deal with blatant rudeness and nastiness from the likes of you and your buddies. Good luck to her.
Sadly, the big loser here will eventually be the city of Northglenn. This city is going to stagnate - and it will be directly attributable to the likes of people like you, Paiz, Clyne and Miller (if he has time between stalking people and egging cars). And I hope the good citizens realize that soon.
Now why don't you get over the sour grapes of getting spanked in the mayoral race and actually do something constructive for the community - maybe shutting up would be a good start.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM
The previous comments are very interesting. Yes, anti-government period candidate, John Thomas, did save the Mayor's career. If you think that I have sour grapes, you do not appreciate my dedication to returning common sense and fiscal responsibility to this city. I do have a competitor in the blog world. The city staff close to Ms Cullen was very upset with her resignation, consequently you can also join in their campaign at
Gene Wieneke, at 2:42 PM
Great comments Jim L.!!!
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM
I am not surprised that Leslie Cullen has submitted her resignation. It's about time.
Her lack of expertise and education required for the City Managers position was abundantly apparent during several City Council Meetings. Her inability to answer many of the City Council Members questions during meetings were not to the standard of professionalism that I would expect from a City Official.
It is also incredibly inappropriate that it is suggested that the reason for her resignation was due to conflicts with Council Members or other members of our community. I believe that anyone in a position such as City Manager whether it be interim or not, be professional and not emotionally reactive to what is obviously a part of their job. I have yet to meet a City Manager that has " had it easy".
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
I am surprised that Ms. Cullen has chosen to resign. If she had backbone as some say, she would have stuck it out.
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM
Let's all face the facts, the facts are Ms. Cullen touts progressive and innovative theories, break through change, and corporate strategies. Residents of the City can see and experience this break through change since her strategy for reorganization occurred. The fact is the reorganization led to a deteriorating infastructure and a decrease in services. Let's face it Northglenn will not be nominated as one of the top City's to live in based on its current condition. This is local government not business, we cannot dictate to the public what we wish without acceptance and popular opinion. After all its a government of and by its people. Ms. Cullen's past experience and accomplishments are not so popular in many of the big corporations who employeed her. In fact, if you mention Ms. Cullens name to several of her previous employees you'll get a chuckle. This City Council needs to do their research next time and exercise your fiscal responsibility you talk so much about.
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM
WAKE UP!!! It is no longer the 1950's. Northglenn is landlocked. It has no major revenue sources. Its housing stock is aging and doesn't appeal to young middle class professionals with children (and money). If the city doesn't do something, and do it soon, Northglenn will continue to decline and will become a ghetto --or replace Commerce City as the armpit of the Denver Metro Area. At least Commerce City got its act together and has changed with the times and economy.
Unless someone with vision and progressive ideas, like Ms. Cullen, becomes the new city manager, you will go down in the annals of Northglenn history as the man who helped dig the city's grave.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM
God help us if we get someone like Ms. Leslie Cullen!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM
With Paiz, Clyne, Miller, Lindsey and Wieneke, you need God's help already, honey.
Anonymous, at 9:07 AM
Honey? I appreciate the fact that we have people questioning what goes on. When I see all the head nodding up there all following their leader Novak it makes me ill. It is very evident that Monroe and Garner question resolutions and ordinances based on who sponsors them and who drafts them and not what the content of the actual items are. The only way to resolve all of this is to start attending meetngs regularly to see what actually goes on. Talk to our Council reps, get both sides! Until we all do that, we will make biased decisions that may be an error of judgement and a very wrong perception of what is really going on. Be fair about how you rate the situation and do your part in finding out what both sides are. There is a major division on our council says that it is not one or two nutters just throwing out crazy ideas. That should tell us all to think! I am thinking, are you?
Thank you, Gene, for putting up this information. I would appreciate it if you put a little more positive in here though. Is there anything going on that is good in the City? Give us something to look forward to.
Cat M.
Anonymous, at 11:10 AM
To Cat M. Wow. Bravo. That is a question that I wish Mr. W. would answer!
Truth is though that he has a specific agenda and is systematically picking people to scrutinize to the brink. Once that person either resigns, he claims victory -- only to leave others to pick up the pieces, and then risk being blasted themselves.
What a slap in the face of any employee who has worked their hardest, stayed the course, put up with the constant batttle and fluctuation, and all the while kept their integrity. Professional critics such a Mr. W. so easily forget that there are real people who are doing their best for the City and making it a great place.
I chose to live here. I continue to do so because there ARE wonderful things about Northglenn. I vote because I care about my community.
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM
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