Will the City Council Listen to YOU?
I hope you have gone to the Northglenn web site and paged through the results of the survey of residents from a few months ago. The City Council/Staff presented their interpretation of the results in a recent issue of the Connection. I found the results to question seven very interesting. It is on page 54. The question was, “Please indicate how important each government service is to you and other members of your household.”
I totaled the percentages in the columns labeled Essential and Very Important and subtracted the percentages in the columns labeled Somewhat Important and Not at all important. (A and B) minus (C and D) The first combined percentage reported which services are high on your list and the second; that which is low. I then subtracted the second from the first to obtain your priorities for the various services. I did not rank three out of the twenty services listed because they were not “on the street” program services: Cost of trash services, Accessibility and Utility billing. Here are the results in groups of five.
Essential: 1. Trash Collection. 2. Water and Sewer. 3. Street lighting. 4. Snow and Ice removal. 5. Enforcement of traffic laws.
Very Important: 6. Street repair and maintenance. 7. Safety of parks and buildings. 8. Code enforcement in residential property. 9. Parks and playgrounds. 10. Code enforcement in commercial property.
Somewhat Important: 11. Recycling. 12. Special pick-ups. 13. Maintenance of buildings. 14. Range of activities available in parks, recreation center and facilities. 15. Athletic fields.
Not at all Important: 16. Street sweeping. 17. Senior Center programs. 18. Services for youth. 19. Special events (concerts-July 4th etc.) 20. Variety of recreational programs offered in classes by city staff.
Editorial: Question 14 should have been broken into its several obvious components. The activities in the parks score would have been quite different from the score for activities in the recreation center. The range of activities for the recreation center would have joined the “Variety of recreational programs” (20) as the most unimportant city service. The question now is whether or not the Mayor and Council will shift their financial priorities to match your directions. Based on the grand ideas presented at the study session of February 1st, they will not.
Back to the Survey: The results to Question 15 on page 57 are interesting. It asked how many times your household has used the Recreation Center in the last 12 months: Never 53%, Twice or less 21%, Total 74%. To the question as to how many times a household has participated in a recreation program: Never 74%, Twice or less 13%, Total 87%
Looking at the other end, the results showed that those who used the Recreation Center over 13 times in the last 12 months amounted to 8%. For a recreation program; 4%.
The City Council is initiating a public comment process on the concepts presented to them by the staff on February 1st. Click on the title of this posting to see the presentation. Besides the meetings they have scheduled per the flyer we all received, you can also contact all nine of our representatives at: citycouncil@northglenn.org
I totaled the percentages in the columns labeled Essential and Very Important and subtracted the percentages in the columns labeled Somewhat Important and Not at all important. (A and B) minus (C and D) The first combined percentage reported which services are high on your list and the second; that which is low. I then subtracted the second from the first to obtain your priorities for the various services. I did not rank three out of the twenty services listed because they were not “on the street” program services: Cost of trash services, Accessibility and Utility billing. Here are the results in groups of five.
Essential: 1. Trash Collection. 2. Water and Sewer. 3. Street lighting. 4. Snow and Ice removal. 5. Enforcement of traffic laws.
Very Important: 6. Street repair and maintenance. 7. Safety of parks and buildings. 8. Code enforcement in residential property. 9. Parks and playgrounds. 10. Code enforcement in commercial property.
Somewhat Important: 11. Recycling. 12. Special pick-ups. 13. Maintenance of buildings. 14. Range of activities available in parks, recreation center and facilities. 15. Athletic fields.
Not at all Important: 16. Street sweeping. 17. Senior Center programs. 18. Services for youth. 19. Special events (concerts-July 4th etc.) 20. Variety of recreational programs offered in classes by city staff.
Editorial: Question 14 should have been broken into its several obvious components. The activities in the parks score would have been quite different from the score for activities in the recreation center. The range of activities for the recreation center would have joined the “Variety of recreational programs” (20) as the most unimportant city service. The question now is whether or not the Mayor and Council will shift their financial priorities to match your directions. Based on the grand ideas presented at the study session of February 1st, they will not.
Back to the Survey: The results to Question 15 on page 57 are interesting. It asked how many times your household has used the Recreation Center in the last 12 months: Never 53%, Twice or less 21%, Total 74%. To the question as to how many times a household has participated in a recreation program: Never 74%, Twice or less 13%, Total 87%
Looking at the other end, the results showed that those who used the Recreation Center over 13 times in the last 12 months amounted to 8%. For a recreation program; 4%.
The City Council is initiating a public comment process on the concepts presented to them by the staff on February 1st. Click on the title of this posting to see the presentation. Besides the meetings they have scheduled per the flyer we all received, you can also contact all nine of our representatives at: citycouncil@northglenn.org
What is your deal with the rec center? Because you and your people don't use something you want to take it away from the people who do!? Have you ever been in the rec center? Do you see how much it is used, all swim lesson are usaually full, pre-school classes and summer camps are full, teen night draws a big crowd, adult and youth sports leagues are full.It offers a wide variety of art programs. The senior center almost always has a activity going. The rec center itself is falling apart it is in need of major, major reconstruction. There are alot of people from other citys who use our rec center, they drop off there children and instead of going home they stay close and spend there $ in Northglenn.Those stats would not be included in your findings. Your group will be the first ones complaining when the young kids have no where to go, because you've taken away the rec center and are hanging out in your nieghborhoods. I wish you all would think about the WHOLE community instead just your own little agendas. You all should be ashamed of yourselfs for trying to take away such a important part of our community.
Anonymous, at 8:33 AM
The results of the council's survey are what they are. In the competition for municipal funds I hope the council will heed the public's voice.
Gene Wieneke, at 10:41 AM
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