Budget: Development and Communication
Since I recently discussed the personnel proposals in the Community Development proposed 2007 budget, here are a few numbers. In the requested documentation and comparison, the format has changed. In the detail sheets the 2005 actual and 2006 estimated actual are shown under one account: #61711 Economic Development. For the 2007 budget, the requests are divided into three accounts: 61711, 61701 Planning and 61721 Housing and Grants.
These are the totals: 2005 actual $336,096; 2006 year end estimate $627,408 and if that increase is not enough, 2007 proposed $746,684. As has been pointed out in a comment the Center acquired a moderate paying position previously funded in the City Manager’s Office which accounts for some of the $119,276 increase between this and next year.
Now we take a peak at the salary only, not including fringe benefits, portion of the request: 2005 actual $229,632; 2006 year end estimate $491,386; 2007 proposed $481,729. In addition to staff they will need additional assistance listed as Professional Services with the price tag of $110,500.
Let’s summarize what has happened during the last year by recapping total expenses.
$336,096 = 2005 actual
$627,408 = 2006 City estimate
I would now like to change subjects and comment on the outreach, events and activities that make the residents feel that they are part of the well informed community family. In the budget it is called Community Engagement and it will cost you $794,402 in 2007. In 2005 it only cost $547,335. The Council increased the budget for the area to $703,897 in 2006 so the increase for 2007 is not that much in comparison. Especially considering that the staff will over spend the generous 2006 budget by $25,001.
One part of the Community Engagement budget is called, Public Communication. The answer to yesterday’s teaser is therefore $346,668 for 2007. For comparison, the Street’s Operating budget for 2007 is $462,095. Does that make sense? If it does, the other two areas in Community Engagement (Outreach and Events) need an additional $444,734. As stated above, the City Council is going to spend a total of $794,402 to reach out and touch you in 2007.
Public Communication Budget: With a one person operation in 2005 the actual expenses were $79,789 for personnel compensation, $2,848 for operating, $28,531 for professional services and $60,361 for miscellaneous for a total of $171,529. The two person operation in 2006 has expenses of $142,431 for personnel compensation, $13,500 for operating, $94,488 for professional services and $96,875 for miscellaneous for a total of $347,294. For 2007 the 2006 figures are rearranged and the total is $346,668.
At the last meeting of the Council several members were concerned about the lack of money for “on the street activities and improvements.” My suggestion is that you consider the residents’ priorities, the number of employees flooding city hall instead of the streets and the staff’s budget recommendation. The money is there but you will have to look at nonessential expenses and employees and say Adios.
These are the totals: 2005 actual $336,096; 2006 year end estimate $627,408 and if that increase is not enough, 2007 proposed $746,684. As has been pointed out in a comment the Center acquired a moderate paying position previously funded in the City Manager’s Office which accounts for some of the $119,276 increase between this and next year.
Now we take a peak at the salary only, not including fringe benefits, portion of the request: 2005 actual $229,632; 2006 year end estimate $491,386; 2007 proposed $481,729. In addition to staff they will need additional assistance listed as Professional Services with the price tag of $110,500.
Let’s summarize what has happened during the last year by recapping total expenses.
$336,096 = 2005 actual
$627,408 = 2006 City estimate
I would now like to change subjects and comment on the outreach, events and activities that make the residents feel that they are part of the well informed community family. In the budget it is called Community Engagement and it will cost you $794,402 in 2007. In 2005 it only cost $547,335. The Council increased the budget for the area to $703,897 in 2006 so the increase for 2007 is not that much in comparison. Especially considering that the staff will over spend the generous 2006 budget by $25,001.
One part of the Community Engagement budget is called, Public Communication. The answer to yesterday’s teaser is therefore $346,668 for 2007. For comparison, the Street’s Operating budget for 2007 is $462,095. Does that make sense? If it does, the other two areas in Community Engagement (Outreach and Events) need an additional $444,734. As stated above, the City Council is going to spend a total of $794,402 to reach out and touch you in 2007.
Public Communication Budget: With a one person operation in 2005 the actual expenses were $79,789 for personnel compensation, $2,848 for operating, $28,531 for professional services and $60,361 for miscellaneous for a total of $171,529. The two person operation in 2006 has expenses of $142,431 for personnel compensation, $13,500 for operating, $94,488 for professional services and $96,875 for miscellaneous for a total of $347,294. For 2007 the 2006 figures are rearranged and the total is $346,668.
At the last meeting of the Council several members were concerned about the lack of money for “on the street activities and improvements.” My suggestion is that you consider the residents’ priorities, the number of employees flooding city hall instead of the streets and the staff’s budget recommendation. The money is there but you will have to look at nonessential expenses and employees and say Adios.
I heard that Public Communication is paying around $1,000 per meeting to tape the council meeting for broadcasting on channel 8. That $24K per year must account for part of that increase in the professional services increase. To stay inform at what happens at council meetings, listening to what is said, viewing the materials from the meeting would be the most important which can already be done on the city's website. Is it really worth $1,000 per meeting just to get to see council's face and the backside of a presenter at the podium when the information is already available on the website?
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM
It is worth it to me. With the taping and recording of the council meetings I am able to see the demeanor and professionalism of my elected officials. When they first started recording the meetings I was shocked and embarrassed to be a citizen of Northglenn. That seems to have changed (maybe because the citizens expressed their disapproval). Many citizens (and I would venture to say most) do not have the time to show up on a weekday evening to find out what is going on in their city. The flexability of showing the meetings on channel eight and the web offers everyone a larger opportunity to be involved.
Anonymous, at 7:48 AM
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