Will You Be Able to Vote This Election?
Over one-third of residents on the Northglenn voter registration list will not be able to vote in the November 6th election unless they act soon. Ballots will not be automatically sent to their homes and there will be no polling places. This applies to all Adams County inactive voters as well. The exact count of inactive registrations in Northglenn, as of last month, is 6821 or 37.2% of the total.
How did so many on the list become “inactive”? They did not vote in the 2006 general election? They moved and did not tell the County Clerk’s Office? Registration verification cards sent in February were returned by the post office? According to the County Clerk, here is what needs to be done per statues:
They can reactivate by submitting a signed request in writing (doesn't have to be on any particular form) to our office at 1865 W. 121st Avenue, Westminster, CO 80234 or they can appear at any Motor Vehicle office in Adams County to fill out and sign a new Voter Registration form. They can choose to print the Voter Registration form from our website if they choose. It is the voter's responsibility to be sure the office receives their request, which must be in writing, complete and with signature.
The City has been asked to notify all residents of this requirement on the front page of the next issue of the Connection. Incumbents generally like to see only active voters turnout for an election. In this election there are four council seats open and a major tax issue.
The City is asking voters to authorize an 86% increase in the city property tax for a new, enlarged recreation center. In case you did not know it, the proposed building will be 2.7 times larger than the present; hardly a replacement.
How did so many on the list become “inactive”? They did not vote in the 2006 general election? They moved and did not tell the County Clerk’s Office? Registration verification cards sent in February were returned by the post office? According to the County Clerk, here is what needs to be done per statues:
They can reactivate by submitting a signed request in writing (doesn't have to be on any particular form) to our office at 1865 W. 121st Avenue, Westminster, CO 80234 or they can appear at any Motor Vehicle office in Adams County to fill out and sign a new Voter Registration form. They can choose to print the Voter Registration form from our website if they choose. It is the voter's responsibility to be sure the office receives their request, which must be in writing, complete and with signature.
The City has been asked to notify all residents of this requirement on the front page of the next issue of the Connection. Incumbents generally like to see only active voters turnout for an election. In this election there are four council seats open and a major tax issue.
The City is asking voters to authorize an 86% increase in the city property tax for a new, enlarged recreation center. In case you did not know it, the proposed building will be 2.7 times larger than the present; hardly a replacement.