Readers of the Sentinel already know from my letters, Robin Tichy has been the Mayor's spokesperson for negative comments since you learned about the SUV. The latest flyer is from both of them and the City staff, not just Robin; as you can tell.
I would like to address some of the errors in the flyer which I have not already posted on this web log. I am also only going to address factual items rather than their or my opinion.
Page Two: Over $12 million of the fund balance was used and only a small portion was used for one time improvements. Check pages four and five. Make sure not to include the Overpass.
"Every dollar of cash reserve is a dollar not invested in the City." Did you catch the word "in"? If it is not invested in one of the investments allowed by State law as required, there is some mismanagement of funds and a loss in interest.
The year end fund balance per their own budget is 34%; not 40% as claimed.
Page Three: They claim nearly $2 million in street work for 2002-2005. Since they canceled street overlays and sealers in 2004 and 2005, the dates should be 2002 and 2003. I previously posted the fact work was not done in 2004 and 2005 as detailed in their budget.
Page Four: Where you see NURA as a participant, you should know the General Fund only provided a small minority of the funds.
Page Five: Once again the time frame should read 2002 - 2003 except for the items NURA was instructed to spend.
Page Six: The reorganization was arranged by a consultant for $200,000.
Page Seven: At the meeting on CORA with the City Attorney we were informed MOST of the requests the City has received were from out of the city law firms and other agencies. The City Clerk repeated this to the Council in a public meeting. The statement that locals, including myself, were the source of the "claimed" costs is totally false.
The Mayor's vehicle saved the City money? She even admitted that she needed a vehicle of that size for her family obligations. Was she expecting us to pay mileage for her 24 hours use? Unless that is their assumption, how can they justify the claim?
Page Eight: The fact is, the money Robin received was your tax dollars and not grants
from other governments. Plain and simple: she lied. Instead of denying the official public records, she should have admitted the conflict and moved on.
The persons distributing the committee flyer are KNOWN according to State law and on file with the City Clerk. The notification was presented to the City Clerk in August.