A Challenge to Me
A friend recently advised me that some residents have the opinion that my postings and letters about the City are nothing more than that of a sore loser. I did run for Mayor in an attempt to return the city government to its senses. My first attempt to change Northglenn was more successful when many of you joined with us in defeating the proposed major expansion of the recreation center at the polls in January 2005.
In August of last year I told you that our first choice of a candidate for Mayor was long term council member, Bill Goodspeed. I stepped in when he could not run. My efforts since the Summer of 2004 have been directed towards a return of normalcy in our city govenment. It is and will remain my reason for continuing this blog and my involvement in local affairs.
I have based my postings on the facts. If anyone feels that I have lead them astray, please leave a public comment for all to see.
Finally. You should take your friend's advice. In so many of your postings, your implict opinions are just layers and layers of garbage on top of the spattering of facts that you do provide. Your readers are people who can form their own opinions and perspectives, without the blatently obvious bitterness and resentment you (and some of your supporters) hold.
Originally your intent was to point out the ethical problems of both the City and its Council. However, it's obvious that you have completely ignored the issues with Councilman Miller - because he was "your guy" this past November. Offer a fair and balanced approach, and more people will listen to what you have to say.
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM
I think there is a lot of truth in what you say. It is so interesting compared to the layered and strategic information that the people at the city and some other City Councel members put out. They really want us to believe that things are so wonderful at the city. I thought all of the "bad" information would stop after the election, but the fact that it has continued really irritates me. As in the past, the mayor and her cronies deny the accusations only to have them come out in the press later as truths. If they would just be honest it would be so much easier to trust them.
Anonymous, at 4:24 PM
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