Three Updates
Last night the City Council agreed to delay the scheduled first reading of the Radio Amplification and seven building code ordinances along with the Licensing of Contractors ordinance that I discussed partially on August 4th. The staff had planned on presenting them for a first vote on the 24th. The Council will conduct one or more Study Sessions before moving forward.
Because I flagged certain sections, some of our Council members and the City Attorney took a look at the proposals and influenced the Building Official to remove the atrocious licensing of homeowners. There are many more “difficulties” to be addressed in the ordinances but we all will now have an opportunity to participate in some thoughtful consideration of the nine ordinances. I thank the Mayor and Council for their action.
The future and condition of the Recreation Center building is back on the Council’s table. The initiated ordinance I wrote which forced the January 18th election in 2005 has come into play again. The Council wishes to move forward on some rehabilitation and additions to the building but knows that public input is going to be necessary. In the near future they will be discussing exactly what type of projects they wish to put before the voters. Pay attention to their agendas and give them your advice.
Last summer I urged them to conduct a detailed, comprehensive and accurate survey of residents and we offered to assist in the process. That idea hit a brick wall. On this go around they will be seeking input but you will have to come to them. They are still not going to come to you through a survey. I guess that this does represent some progress.
When they are ready to move forward I hope they will not try to be “clever”. By this I mean bury some hot buttons projects in with some questionable projects and force you to vote yes or no on THE package. You know, something for everybody. Take the good with the bad. Take it or leave it. I hope they will give us multiple choices in the ballot on all free standing projects.
Lastly, I would like to discuss the 120th and Grant development. Over the last couple of years the Council has acquired a lot of property between Webster Lake, the Recreation Center and 120th Avenue. They have used the General Fund’s revenues and a million and a half from NURA to finance the purchases to the tune of $7,386,983. It is expected that another undisclosed sum under one million will be used to acquire the Sinclair station. Add to that the $1,391,713 now being used to reconstruct the intersection of 120th and Grant plus other street work in the area. The total investment thus far is just over $9,500,000.
Because Century Theater remains on the table as of today, the land lease approved in 2005, needs to be factored in to the overall development. Incidentally, the work that is about to begin at 120th and Grant is required to meet a commitment the City made in the ground lease. As part of the deal, the City agreed to make up the difference in parking requirements for the theater; several hundred spaces. The construction of a parking structure WILL be necessary or else too much land will be unavailable for the desired satellite retail stores. To the nine million above, add in another $6,000,000 per City estimates. The total thus far is $15,500,000 and this does not include the cost of borrowing the money to repay the General Fund, the remaining yet to be determined costs required by the land lease and the $100,000 plus to demolish the station and shopette.
Because I flagged certain sections, some of our Council members and the City Attorney took a look at the proposals and influenced the Building Official to remove the atrocious licensing of homeowners. There are many more “difficulties” to be addressed in the ordinances but we all will now have an opportunity to participate in some thoughtful consideration of the nine ordinances. I thank the Mayor and Council for their action.
The future and condition of the Recreation Center building is back on the Council’s table. The initiated ordinance I wrote which forced the January 18th election in 2005 has come into play again. The Council wishes to move forward on some rehabilitation and additions to the building but knows that public input is going to be necessary. In the near future they will be discussing exactly what type of projects they wish to put before the voters. Pay attention to their agendas and give them your advice.
Last summer I urged them to conduct a detailed, comprehensive and accurate survey of residents and we offered to assist in the process. That idea hit a brick wall. On this go around they will be seeking input but you will have to come to them. They are still not going to come to you through a survey. I guess that this does represent some progress.
When they are ready to move forward I hope they will not try to be “clever”. By this I mean bury some hot buttons projects in with some questionable projects and force you to vote yes or no on THE package. You know, something for everybody. Take the good with the bad. Take it or leave it. I hope they will give us multiple choices in the ballot on all free standing projects.
Lastly, I would like to discuss the 120th and Grant development. Over the last couple of years the Council has acquired a lot of property between Webster Lake, the Recreation Center and 120th Avenue. They have used the General Fund’s revenues and a million and a half from NURA to finance the purchases to the tune of $7,386,983. It is expected that another undisclosed sum under one million will be used to acquire the Sinclair station. Add to that the $1,391,713 now being used to reconstruct the intersection of 120th and Grant plus other street work in the area. The total investment thus far is just over $9,500,000.
Because Century Theater remains on the table as of today, the land lease approved in 2005, needs to be factored in to the overall development. Incidentally, the work that is about to begin at 120th and Grant is required to meet a commitment the City made in the ground lease. As part of the deal, the City agreed to make up the difference in parking requirements for the theater; several hundred spaces. The construction of a parking structure WILL be necessary or else too much land will be unavailable for the desired satellite retail stores. To the nine million above, add in another $6,000,000 per City estimates. The total thus far is $15,500,000 and this does not include the cost of borrowing the money to repay the General Fund, the remaining yet to be determined costs required by the land lease and the $100,000 plus to demolish the station and shopette.
The rec center issue won't die because it shouldn't have in the first place. There are enough people who didn't vote last time solely based on the fact that they were so comfortable it would pass that they became complacent.
Historically, a vote that fails with such a narrow
margin - 13 votes in this case - comes back, renewed and revitalized, and then passes with sizeable support. It isn't unusal for an issue to resurface, especially something that involves urban renewal.
Anonymous, at 7:40 AM
Of course it will pass but not because people didnt the last time. It will pass because, like all levels of government, if it doesnt pass this time, try, try again and sooner or later it will. Id like to see a law that says if something doesnt pass on the forst gp. it is dead (in all forms) for five pr maybe ten years. There are more visitors at Olingers than Ive seen during recent visits to our rec center.
Anonymous, at 7:01 PM
Wow, you are out of touch. Have you been to the rec center at all? Try and get a parking spot when there's judo, or one of the 5 church services that meet there, or for any of the theatre performances, or maybe you haven't had to wait in line to register your kid for swimming?! That place is definitely active with users - of ALL ages.
Just because you don't use it doesn't mean that others - many, many others - can't fight for improvements or upgrades. And we deserve it. Try, try again I say.
Anonymous, at 12:40 PM
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