City Manager Candidates: Heads Up
With a new City Manager on the horizon, everyone is anxiously holding their breath, curbing their zeal and biding their time. Everyone includes the members of the Council, the senior staff, the worker bee staff, and the residents who are involved and interested in City operations; including me.
With that said, just what is the new Manager facing besides a Council badly split on all things important to our continued viability as a community. While the City web site, Connection and other activities of the public relations department keep pushing the “we are wonderful and responsive to you” campaign, the quality of our municipal services continue to deteriorate and millions of dollars are wasted on plans, plans, plans and dreams.
To give the new Manager a heads up as to what he will find upon reporting to work, I’ll rehash some problems and reveal some new. I’m sure readers will have there own lists or maybe even feel that some of the following statements are exaggerations. Just remember, I obtain my facts from public records requests, in accordance with State law, and supplement it with information from those in the know. I then give you the facts and information; with an obvious attitude.
First, the Council is composed of individuals that have serious personal difficulties with each other on a daily basis. The Council has members that believe if you do not agree with me 100% of the time; you are my enemy. It has a majority that believes the Council should speak with one voice; mine. The major division on the Council is between those that sincerely believe that the staff is, and is the only one, that has all the right answers, and those who will question and challenge the staff when recommendations are inconsistent, incomplete or inadequate. The vast majority of the Council is a sucker for a classy, well presented report or presentation. If it looks and sounds good; it must be a good recommendation.
Second, the new Manager is going to love the following information. Under the guise of not interfering with the day to day operations of the City, the current and past Councils have abdicated their responsibilities under the Charter. The budget is so very broad that he can ignore it. Budgeted projects are just that; budgeted, so what? There are no detailed rules concerning personnel, purchasing or even the sale of City property. He can modify, create or abolish positions at will regardless of the budget. The Councils have even dodged adopting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity policies. What a deal.
Third, thanks to the prior Manager’s staff cleansing, the new Manager must deal with and initially rely on a senior staff composed mostly of losers: One condescending expert who spends more time selling their business than serving the city, two designer examples of the Peter Principle, one who makes decisions based on sexual preference, and three others, so bad that I will not describe them in print. On the positive side there are two professionals who have the qualifications, experience and attitude for their positions.
Fourth, the new Manager unfortunately will not be able to rely on the majority of persons surrounding or close to the senior staff for a variety of reasons. They were hired or promoted by the senior staff for either their aggressive and arrogant nature, who they knew, who they were related to or their sleeping habits; qualifications notwithstanding.
Fifth, the new Manager is going to be expected to turn a lemon into lemonade when it comes to the land the Council has purchased north of City Hall. The City alone has diverted $7.4 million from the General Fund in quest of a new retail center. NURA spent another $2.25 million. Meanwhile municipal services have suffered. In streets alone, the Auditor noted that they needed $2.4 million in maintenance and improvements to meet required standards as of the end of 2005. Now the Council is considering scrapping City Hall and the Recreation Center in favor of a new facility south of the North Metro office building at 120th and Grant. He should realize that the proposed retail area is an obsession that is more important than all other governmental responsibilities together.
Sixth, the new Manager should be prepared for the following influences on his and the City’s future. There will be an election next year and some members of the Council will be actively campaigning to defeat their fellow members. There are many more residents besides me that want major changes in the City and its use of our sales and property taxes; and we will have an impact. He has until February 2008 to demonstrate that he is worthy of the challenge. His actions must prove to the entire Council that he works for all them no matter how much danger he places himself in to accomplish it. The residents deserve a competent, qualified, professional and polite staff. The sooner he makes the necessary changes the better.
Finally, I will give him the benefit of doubt as long as does what is necessary and places the community and its residents ahead of his resume.
With that said, just what is the new Manager facing besides a Council badly split on all things important to our continued viability as a community. While the City web site, Connection and other activities of the public relations department keep pushing the “we are wonderful and responsive to you” campaign, the quality of our municipal services continue to deteriorate and millions of dollars are wasted on plans, plans, plans and dreams.
To give the new Manager a heads up as to what he will find upon reporting to work, I’ll rehash some problems and reveal some new. I’m sure readers will have there own lists or maybe even feel that some of the following statements are exaggerations. Just remember, I obtain my facts from public records requests, in accordance with State law, and supplement it with information from those in the know. I then give you the facts and information; with an obvious attitude.
First, the Council is composed of individuals that have serious personal difficulties with each other on a daily basis. The Council has members that believe if you do not agree with me 100% of the time; you are my enemy. It has a majority that believes the Council should speak with one voice; mine. The major division on the Council is between those that sincerely believe that the staff is, and is the only one, that has all the right answers, and those who will question and challenge the staff when recommendations are inconsistent, incomplete or inadequate. The vast majority of the Council is a sucker for a classy, well presented report or presentation. If it looks and sounds good; it must be a good recommendation.
Second, the new Manager is going to love the following information. Under the guise of not interfering with the day to day operations of the City, the current and past Councils have abdicated their responsibilities under the Charter. The budget is so very broad that he can ignore it. Budgeted projects are just that; budgeted, so what? There are no detailed rules concerning personnel, purchasing or even the sale of City property. He can modify, create or abolish positions at will regardless of the budget. The Councils have even dodged adopting Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity policies. What a deal.
Third, thanks to the prior Manager’s staff cleansing, the new Manager must deal with and initially rely on a senior staff composed mostly of losers: One condescending expert who spends more time selling their business than serving the city, two designer examples of the Peter Principle, one who makes decisions based on sexual preference, and three others, so bad that I will not describe them in print. On the positive side there are two professionals who have the qualifications, experience and attitude for their positions.
Fourth, the new Manager unfortunately will not be able to rely on the majority of persons surrounding or close to the senior staff for a variety of reasons. They were hired or promoted by the senior staff for either their aggressive and arrogant nature, who they knew, who they were related to or their sleeping habits; qualifications notwithstanding.
Fifth, the new Manager is going to be expected to turn a lemon into lemonade when it comes to the land the Council has purchased north of City Hall. The City alone has diverted $7.4 million from the General Fund in quest of a new retail center. NURA spent another $2.25 million. Meanwhile municipal services have suffered. In streets alone, the Auditor noted that they needed $2.4 million in maintenance and improvements to meet required standards as of the end of 2005. Now the Council is considering scrapping City Hall and the Recreation Center in favor of a new facility south of the North Metro office building at 120th and Grant. He should realize that the proposed retail area is an obsession that is more important than all other governmental responsibilities together.
Sixth, the new Manager should be prepared for the following influences on his and the City’s future. There will be an election next year and some members of the Council will be actively campaigning to defeat their fellow members. There are many more residents besides me that want major changes in the City and its use of our sales and property taxes; and we will have an impact. He has until February 2008 to demonstrate that he is worthy of the challenge. His actions must prove to the entire Council that he works for all them no matter how much danger he places himself in to accomplish it. The residents deserve a competent, qualified, professional and polite staff. The sooner he makes the necessary changes the better.
Finally, I will give him the benefit of doubt as long as does what is necessary and places the community and its residents ahead of his resume.
Generalizing senior staff as losers? This is based on your experience working with them or dealing directly with them or reviewing the work they produce or their performance reviews? And three so bad they can't be described in print? Must be involved in illegal activities or worse? If you are going to drop hints about how bad they all are, why not have the guts to identify with facts who has done what that doesn't meet your approval?
You say you are going to give the new manager the benefit of the doubt.... I doubt it, you don't give anyone the benefit of the doubt, you see the worst in every situation and everyone that you spew your half truths about.
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
Working with them? No. Performance reviews will not help because everytime I have included them in a CORA request it comes back that none were done. Reviewing their recommendations to the Council? Yes. Listening to those who come in contact with them? Yes.
The members of the Council are really at a disadvantage because they are not suppose to interfer in staff operations. In the real world, members of the staff will reveal alarming or "not right" information to members if they trust the council person to protect them and believe that the information will result in some corrections.
That is the true open government that every manager should encourage and I did just that. If a manager or his senior staff has to pass the word around to employees to keep quiet, we all have a problem. And, that IS the case in Northglenn.
Finally, things do not have to be illegal under the law to be improper. If I knew of illegal activities, I will use the proper channels.
Gene Wieneke, at 9:50 AM
Actually - your characterization of the council "split" is once again less than accurate: Your and your "gang of four's" sole political modus operandi seems to be to shoot down and trash any forward thinking initiatives that any progressive minded people -on the staff or in the Council - bring to the table.
No doubt if the new manager shows any kind of initiative or if they don't dance to you and your buddies' negative drumbeat, they'll be trashed and hounded out of office as well. Good luck to them - hopefully all 3 have been forewarned about you and your nasty little clique.
Anonymous, at 9:58 AM
I thank the 9:58 commentator for proving my point by attacking four thinking members of the council. If they were "mine" I would be helping them to be effective as a group rather than individuals up against the well oiled and united group composed of five clones.
The majority of five is composed of good people who unfortunately follow the staff without question. I believe that not one of them is working to harm the city. Indiviual thought is just being quashed by their social relationships. The residents deserve and expect better.
Also, "forward thinking initiatives" are diverting millions from essential municipal services.
Gene Wieneke, at 10:34 AM
So basically you don't have any facts to backup your generalizations and accusations. You relying on hearsay to attack people trying to provide for their families and do the best job they can for the City of Northglenn. Many employees (including senior staff) volunteer time to the community in which they work on top of the extra hours they put into their jobs.
You are also very critical of a group of residents that give up a lot of their personal time to serve the community as Council Members trying to do the best they can for the community.
Those two group of people are certainly contributing postively to the community in which they live and work. It's too bad that can't be said for your name calling, (losers, clones, etc) council and staff bashing blog site.
Anonymous, at 11:14 AM
Whoa now. The city is loaded with great employees. You have NEVER heard me say an unkind word about their efforts and results. Last December I did three postings about the good people that Nelson dumped in his discriminatory lay offs and forced retirements. No one picked up on that.
Most, not all, of the current leaders now on the payroll and their immediate groupies are the problem along with a number of glassy eyed members of the council.
Gene Wieneke, at 12:15 PM
Usually I am very interested in the facts that you present. A good amount of the time I agree with your insight on a situation and I always appreciate hearing your view on things. However, this blog has caused me to question your credibility and intentions. From paragraph 6 down it sounds more like a hate fest then anything else. I am very disappointed and I hope that you intend on presenting your views and ideas in future posts in a better way then you did on this post.
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM
Thank you for the criticism. I know the manager candidates are checking the site and I hope one or more of them will recognize that they will have a rewarding challenge ahead.
I did put a lot out in one posting but felt they needed to see the picture from one viewpoint. If they only believe that it is "mostly true", I have accomplished my goal. At the minimum where there is smoke.
Considering the comments received thusfar, I still stand strongly behind my statements. The demonstration of truth will be forthcoming.
Gene Wieneke, at 3:42 PM
Great job Gene! You have angered the people. I am wondering who the people are and why they are so uptight over comments about senior staff? Maybe you have a readership of senior staff? What caused you to take such a tough stance on calling the senior staff out so strongly? I do read and your blog regularly and was a bit taken aback by the tone of this one blog. In the months of following your blog I do find that you have purpose in getting information out to us. I am very glad that we have you looking out for the rest of us who do not take the time to regularly attend meetings or follow things as closely as we should. Unlike the previous poster, I do not feel you have lost your credibility. I am giving YOU the benefit of the doubt in your reasoning to make the comments you made. Something has obviously stirred you.
Cat M.
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM
Wow, if you consider this site to be your source of "facts", you get what you deserve. His personal agenda and one sided views overwhelm any information presented in the posting. He said it himself, if people only believe part of what he says (which means he can exhaurate and make some stuff up) and he blows enough smoke, they will believe there is a fire somewhere.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM
One of the great things about the Internet is that it gives us the freedome to explore the world and a variety of sources for news that may not be readily available. One of the worst things about the Internet is some people feel that gives them an unbridled license to ruin people's reputations, careers and lives thru rumor and innuendo.
One would hope that the managerial candidates have enough sense to winnow the wheat from the chaff when researching the City and its issues.
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM
I agree in many ways with the last comment. The one sentence ending in "rumor and innuendo" was missing the word "facts" or "undisclosed information".
I would also like to state that I have shared much of my information, to no avail, privately with members of the Council that are not belivers in my efforts over the last nine months.
I will share the information with the new manager privately when he desires.
Gene Wieneke, at 7:33 PM
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