City Council Conducts Illegal Secret Meeting
Last night the City Council met with NURA in executive session following the regular NURA meeting. No notice as required by City Charter and State law was posted at City Hall or on the City Council's Documents/Agenda web page as required.
Are you so bitter about Northglenn and its current government that it is it urgent to post spectacular headlines without spell checking?
Your lack of attention to detail on these simple things reduces what little credibility the content of your report might have had to another rant by an obsessed loser.
Northglenn resident.
Anonymous, at 8:01 AM
Thank you for pointing out the missing "t". I noticed you did not deny your part in the meeting or the fact that it was in violation. I have no problem with the City of Northglenn. It's some of the members of the senior staff along with the members of the Council who will not bother to do their homework on the residents' behalf that concern me.
Gene Wieneke, at 11:03 AM
What makes you think that everyone that responds to you: (1) lives in Northglenn; (2) is a Northglenn employee; (3) is a Northglenn city council member; or (4) attends Northglenn city council meetings?
Anonymous, at 6:41 PM
anonymous may want to spell and word order check their posting before they talk about the writing mistakes of another.
Another Northglenn Resident
Anonymous, at 7:21 PM
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