Gene Wieneke

Saturday, March 03, 2007

City Takes a Bite out of Heidi's Deli

The City's disregard for existing businesses was demonstrated again in an article that appeared in the Rocky Mountain News on March 2nd. This time, the City’s target was Heidi’s Deli. It is located in the shopping center along 120th Avenue which NURA acquired last year.

The City is in the process of widening Grant Street at its intersection with 120th. The construction has severely hampered Heidi’s operations. The staff, after consulting with the Council reacted to the owner’s plight by offering to reduce the lease payments beginning in January. Just over a month later, the City came to the ridiculous decision that Heidi’s situation was untenable and the owner was instructed to vacate the property in early April.

I would have assumed that the owner of Heidi’s would have been the better judge of when, or if, to pull the plug than the City.

I was pleased to see that one member of the Council, Jim Miller, ran across the situation outside of city channels and stepped in to question the need to terminate the lease. Fortunately there are a few members of the Council who were not afraid to question the motives and actions of the majority and the staff while under the leadership of the former City Manager.

Councilman Miller and all members of the Council know they do not have the individual power to instruct the City Manager in anything; and they don’t. The Rocky owes Councilman Miller a correction and we all owe the Rocky a word of thanks for reporting this abuse of Heidi’s.
If you didn't read the article in the Rocky, click on the title of this posting.


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