Verification of Bogus Theatre Groundbreaking
Since last October I have been countering all claims made by the City with regards to the then proposed Century Theatre. In order to enhance the election of incumbents at the November 2005 election, a bogus groundbreaking was staged.
I knew it was a political lie because the information I had verified that 80% of the construction plans had not even been submitted to the City for review. I posted my information before the groundbreaking was held. The Mayor and former City Manager could have cancelled the event but chose to go for its political benefits. It should not have even been scheduled in the first place. Were ethical standards placed in the back seat of the Excursion or left on the road side?
When no work began on the site in November or December, the City leadership countered that it would start later in December or January. Again they lied. The bulk of the plans were not submitted until the end of the year. I told you that February might be the really start date if even then. I did not know that the plan review would not start until later in January. During the Spring I told you that I had just received a document verifying my claims.
At last Thursday’s meeting of the City Council the document was made public in a discussion concerning a payment to the former Deputy and then Interim City Manager; Leslie Cullen. Below I have typed the full text of the document. If you would like the PDF copy of it, please email me using the link on the right side of the screen. The author of the email is the Economic Development Director for the City. The recipient is the Department Head that was in charge of public works and engineering.
Subject: “Century Site Construction”
From: “Katy Press”>>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 07:57:04 -0600
I received Leslie’s voicemail yesterday about making sure that the site appears to have things going on after the ground breaking next week.
From Northglenn’s side, we had talked about:
· Staking the site.
· Putting up a silt fence.
· Possiblity of having one of the contractor's scraping the site.
· We are talking today about the ROW improvements and moving up the timing on 120th.
I am talking to Bob Hemati about where they are at with their contractor and when they can “mobilize”.
We can strategize this afternoon when we meet at 2:00 PM.
That is the email document as written. Your Mayor, her friends on the City Council and City Staff lied for political gain. Remember this next November.
As to why Ms Cullen received a bonus of $5,406.50 on a 5-4 vote two months after resigning has to be questioned in light of the “favor” last October. When this email was revealed at the Council meeting, neither the Mayor nor any of her friends commented or responded. You might ask them to respond to the email at a formal Council meeting since denial is out of the question.
I knew it was a political lie because the information I had verified that 80% of the construction plans had not even been submitted to the City for review. I posted my information before the groundbreaking was held. The Mayor and former City Manager could have cancelled the event but chose to go for its political benefits. It should not have even been scheduled in the first place. Were ethical standards placed in the back seat of the Excursion or left on the road side?
When no work began on the site in November or December, the City leadership countered that it would start later in December or January. Again they lied. The bulk of the plans were not submitted until the end of the year. I told you that February might be the really start date if even then. I did not know that the plan review would not start until later in January. During the Spring I told you that I had just received a document verifying my claims.
At last Thursday’s meeting of the City Council the document was made public in a discussion concerning a payment to the former Deputy and then Interim City Manager; Leslie Cullen. Below I have typed the full text of the document. If you would like the PDF copy of it, please email me using the link on the right side of the screen. The author of the email is the Economic Development Director for the City. The recipient is the Department Head that was in charge of public works and engineering.
Subject: “Century Site Construction”
From: “Katy Press”>>
Date: Tue, 04 Oct 2005 07:57:04 -0600
I received Leslie’s voicemail yesterday about making sure that the site appears to have things going on after the ground breaking next week.
From Northglenn’s side, we had talked about:
· Staking the site.
· Putting up a silt fence.
· Possiblity of having one of the contractor's scraping the site.
· We are talking today about the ROW improvements and moving up the timing on 120th.
I am talking to Bob Hemati about where they are at with their contractor and when they can “mobilize”.
We can strategize this afternoon when we meet at 2:00 PM.
That is the email document as written. Your Mayor, her friends on the City Council and City Staff lied for political gain. Remember this next November.
As to why Ms Cullen received a bonus of $5,406.50 on a 5-4 vote two months after resigning has to be questioned in light of the “favor” last October. When this email was revealed at the Council meeting, neither the Mayor nor any of her friends commented or responded. You might ask them to respond to the email at a formal Council meeting since denial is out of the question.
Many readers throughout the months may have become skeptical about your comments and concerns. Yet, time after time you prove to be credibile by producing factual, documented, evidence in support of your position or complaint. The lack of trust that residents instill in their elected officials is due to their concern of the decisions this Council continues to make. If the Councilmembers who voted for what is viewed as a payoff to someone who conjures up lies, I'd ask what kind of corrupt people do we have on our City Council? I wonder if Northglenn's City Council would be so generous to hand out this kind of money if the +$5,000 was coming out of their own personal budgets or their own pocketbooks? I suggest they vote to fix some of the potholes on our streets not to continuously try and snow Northglenn residents. Like many residents I plan to make conscientious decisions when I vote as this council does not listen to resident's needs much less represent our point of view.
Anonymous, at 11:49 PM
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